Cast and crew details must be uploaded from a Microsoft Excel file in .xlsx format. Find out more about this in the article Add contributors (e.g. cast & crew). You can provide contributor information in one of these ways:
- Use one of our templates. This is the best way to ensure edit free uploads.
- Copy and paste essential details from your own lists - either into into our templates or into a new spreadsheet.
- Upload your own .xlsx spreadsheet. This might require some layout manipulation.
Upload using our templates
You can use our templates.
Based on industry standard formats, these templates are a useful way of maintaining your cast, crew and other contributor lists and are the easiest way to upload to the platform.
An example is shown below. Completing the spreadsheet with your data should be self-explanatory. The essential details for upload are added into the highlighted area but you are able to add other information for your own purposes both above and to the right of this area.
Some areas have been locked to prevent accidental changes but you are not prevented from:
- Adding or deleting rows and columns outside the protected areas
- Adding/changing/deleting any of the general information above the Essential Details headings (production title, address etc.)
- Adding any other info that you need to the right of the Essential Details
- Unlocking the sheet (password = "password")
Essential details do not have to be in a single continuous list. It's okay to have blank rows. In the completed example below you can see that additional headings (Producers; Directors; Writers etc.) have been added. These headings will be ignored during upload (however do not 'merge' any cells).
Upload by copy and pasting your data into a blank spreadsheet
We hope you’ll find our templates a useful tool for using as your cast and crew lists, but if you need to use another document or tool you can easily copy and paste the essential details – either into our template or into any new .xlsx spreadsheet.
Upload your own list
You may also upload your own lists. We’ve built in quite a bit of tolerance on how the essential details are identified but for best results we recommend:
- The essential details are provided in consecutive columns starting on the left side (column A) of the spreadsheet.
- If there is general information at the top of the list (like the production title/production company address) you either:
- Delete it
- Ensure your list has the same headings as our templates, then the platform knows where the relevant information starts
Tips for preparing contributor data
- Essential data must be given in adjacent columns
- If someone is performing two roles (e.g. writer/director) please list them twice
- Don't use commas in values e.g. use "John Smith" not "John, Smith"
- Don’t have two entries in one cell (e.g. two email addresses)
- Don’t merge cells
- You don't need to provide phone numbers if you have provided email address. It's OK to provide both but the platform will only capture email address in this case.
- During upload a 'map data' tool provides you with some ability to adjust how the system recognises your data
- If you notice a problem with the data after upload, it is easy to delete and re-upload but you can also edit it on the platform after it has been saved
- Column headings are not required but you can include them if you wish
- Use ‘Y’ in the Agent/Parent field to indicate that the contact details belong to a parent or agent (you can leave blank if not)
- Only include consistent data in each cell e.g. don't put text in a cell for mobile number
- If you have multiple sheets in your worksheet, ensure your contributor data is the first sheet (from left to right)
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