Lots of different people contribute to a production and I'm not sure if I should include everyone.
Your project funder should advise you of their specific requirements. If no specific guidance is provided we recommend that all on-screen and crew contributors, directly or indirectly, engaged by a production are included.
This includes:
- Anyone in a paid role, including extras.
- Anyone appearing on screen in a professional capacity if they are entering into an agreement with the production, including a release form, even if not paid.
- Individuals working for sub-contractors who directly work on a production, such as staff on set in catering or at post production or VFX facilities.
This does not include:
- ‘Vox pops’ with the general public.
- Unpaid individuals participating on camera in a personal capacity.
Only those individuals who consent to their name, role and email/mobile number being provided to the platform should have their details uploaded. Learn more here.
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